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          地址:山東省濟南市全福立交橋東100米路北(工業北路301號)通運汽配城3排15、16號 4排15、16號)



          來源:http://www.webloomafrica.com/ 日期:2023-12-07 發布人:admin
          The major maintenance cycle for household cars is generally every 10000 kilometers or 12 months, and the specific cycle may vary depending on the model, usage, and manufacturer's recommendations. Here are some common maintenance items:
          1. 更換機油和機濾:定期更換機油和機濾是保持發動機正常運轉的重要步驟。
          1. Changing the engine oil and oil filter: Regularly changing the engine oil and oil filter is an important step in maintaining normal engine operation.
          2. 更換空氣濾清器:空氣濾清器可以阻止灰塵和雜質進入發動機,保持空氣流通暢。
          2. Replace the air filter: The air filter can prevent dust and impurities from entering the engine, maintaining smooth air circulation.
          3. 更換燃油濾清器:燃油濾清器可以過濾燃油中的雜質,確保燃油供應的干凈。
          3. Replace fuel filter: The fuel filter can filter out impurities in the fuel, ensuring a clean fuel supply.
          4. 更換火花塞:火花塞是點火系統的關鍵部件,定期更換可以保證點火效果良好。
          4. Replace spark plugs: Spark plugs are a key component of the ignition system, and regular replacement can ensure good ignition performance.
          5. 更換剎車片和制動液:剎車片磨損后需要更換,同時檢查制動液的水分含量并根據需要更換。
          5. Replace brake pads and brake fluid: After the brake pads are worn, they need to be replaced. At the same time, check the moisture content of the brake fluid and replace it as needed.
          6. 更換變速箱油(自動擋車輛):自動擋車輛需要定期更換變速箱油以保持正常的換擋操作。
          6. Change transmission oil (automatic transmission vehicles): Automatic transmission vehicles require regular replacement of transmission oil to maintain normal shifting operations.
          7. 檢查懸掛系統和輪胎:檢查懸掛系統的磨損和輪胎的磨損程度,并進行必要的調整和更換。
          7. Check the suspension system and tires: Check the wear of the suspension system and tires, and make necessary adjustments and replacements.
          8. 檢查電池和電路系統:檢查電池的電量和電路系統的正常工作,確保電器設備正常運行。
          8. Check the battery and circuit system: Check the battery level and the normal operation of the circuit system to ensure the normal operation of electrical equipment.
          9. 檢查冷卻液和散熱系統:檢查冷卻液的水平和質量,并清潔或更換散熱系統中的雜質。
          9. Check the coolant and cooling system: Check the level and quality of the coolant, and clean or replace any impurities in the cooling system.
          10. 檢查傳動系統和轉向系統:檢查傳動系統和轉向系統的工作狀態,確保順暢操作。
          10. Check the transmission and steering systems: Check the working status of the transmission and steering systems to ensure smooth operation.
          For more information or detailed information about Jinan BMW car repair issues, please visit our company's website: www.webloomafrica.com. There are many contents available on the website for reference only
          地址:山東省濟南市全福立交橋東100米路北(工業北路301號)通運汽配城3排15、16號 4排15、16號)


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